The Cold Outbound Playbook for Booking More Meetings

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Show notes

Florin Tatulea has a strong grip on what’s happening with buyers in 2024. He’s found that only 3% of them are actually buying.

Watch as we explore that 3% – how to find them, and what you can learn from them. Learn how to take the “open to change” 6-7% of prospects and bring them into that 3% group.

Find out why the remaining 90% don’t think about your solution at all, “don’t think they’re interested,” or are “definitely not interested” – and how you can change their minds.

What You'll Learn:
  • 4 steps to successfully execute signal-led outreach
  • How to find that 3% and act quickly on their interest
  • How to read the signals of the "open to change”-ers and bring them into the 3% fold


James Buckley
James Buckley
James Buckley
Content Creator & Host
Sell Better
Florin Tatulea
Florin Tatulea
Florin Tatulea
Head of Sales Development
Common Room
