Mastering Cold Calls From Start to Finish

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Show notes

Cold calls work, if you know how to work them. But unless you know the pathway to a meaningful opening, you may never get to the value prop or the closing… and you’ll never book a meeting.

We brought back Zac Thompson to break down his proven strategies – from how to start the cold call strong, to clearly selling your value proposition, all the way to a successful close.

Watch and take away tried-and-true strategies and effective talk tracks and frameworks to use in cold calling, start to finish.

What You'll Learn:

  • Call openers that start things off right
  • Value propositions that grab their interest
  • Closing strategies that book more meetings


Leslie Douglas
Leslie Douglas
Leslie Douglas
VP of Sponsorships
Sell Better
Zac Thompson
Zac Thompson
Zac Thompson
Founding Director
We Have a Meeting
