How Top Sales Pros Maximize Their Lists to Book More Meetings

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Show notes

Top sales performers know that having a well-managed list is essential. But why is this strategy so important, and how do you do it right?

In this show, we talked with two top-performing pros who know all about successful list building and management. They demonstrated LIVE how to find the most promising prospects!

Watch and learn how to build, use, and manage your lists, whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your current ones.

What You'll Learn:
  • Why you MUST develop your list (+ the blueprint for how to do it)
  • How to pinpoint your audience’s problems and pains
  • Crucial list-management skills that will grow your target audience


James Buckley
James Buckley
James Buckley
Content Creator & Host
Sell Better
Cait Kennedy
Cait Kennedy
Cait Kennedy
Co-Founder & CEO
Joel Graber
Joel Graber
Joel Graber
Founder & CEO
Modern Outbound
